
Comprehensible information security, tailored to people.

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In focus

NIS2 is fast approaching. We’ve put together a primer for those who need to know more about the new law.


Our latest released articles, news and posts

Our service areas

We work on digital security in your organization for a safer and more open world

Information security
Information security
Vår tjänster inom informationssäkerhet hjälper att styra ditt företag mot ett mer strukturerat säkerhetsarbete. Här kan vi bland annat hjälpa dig att komma igång med ISO 27001, eller gå in och stötta som en extern säkerhetsrådgivare.
Tjänster inom informationssäkerhet
Cyber security
Cyber security
Card description
Tjänster inom cybersäkerhet
Data protection
Data protection
Våra dataskyddstjänster tar sitt urspung ur GDPR. Här arbetar vi tillsammans med din organisation för att närma oss förenlighet med förordningen.
Tjänster inom dataskydd
Services in focus

These are our focus areas

Area Information Security

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an information security management system used to support an organization in structuring its information security using tried and tested methods. The standard is certifiable and was updated in 2022. More information on ISO 27001 is available on our services page and in our knowledge center.

Area Data protection

Data Protection Officer

An external Data Protection Officer is a consultant who enters the organization and independently reviews and advises on GDPR work. We help both large and small organizations in their legal work but are also specialists in security, which means that we have the ability to check that your handling of the organization’s personal data assets is not only compliant, but also kept protected.

Area Cybersecurity

Penetration testing

A pentest is a good way to identify how well prepared an organization’s technical protection is against a cyberattack. It is basically about finding vulnerabilities and identifying which of these can be used as security holes to gain access to all or part of the system under test. You can find more about our pentests on our services page. If you want to learn more about pentesting, check out our articles in our knowledge center

Our service areas

We work on digital security

Information security is our backbone. It’s what encompasses our offer and permeates those of us who work here. We all have a developed understanding of information security, cybersecurity and IT security. This means that security will always be present, whether the project is a risk analysis, a work towards an ISO27001 certification or a Data Protection Officer position.

Understands the requirements around IT security, cyber security and information security

We work exclusively on information security and the protection of information assets. This gives us a deep understanding of information security and the ability to interpret requirements and communicate them in an understandable way. So whether it’s a pentest, a vulnerability scan, a risk analysis, an ISO 27001 project or a combination, we can help you understand the requirements and work towards meeting them.

Comprehensive solutions for both large and small companies

The fact that information security is our backbone is also reflected in the services we offer. Unlike many other companies, all our services revolve around information security, IT security, cybersecurity and law. We offer both technical services such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, security monitoring and password monitoring. But also more consultancy-oriented services such as Data Protection Officer (DPO), external security specialist (CISO) and work on information security management systems (ISO 27001). You can see our full range under the main menu.

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